Title IX & Sexual Assault
(Discrimination and Harassment)
Webinar on Department of Education's New Title IX Regulations
Georgetown University Title IX News & Updates
What do to in the Case of Harassment or Discrimination?
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) prohibits discrimination based on sex in any educational programs, which includes sexual harassment or any acts of sexual misconduct. Title IX requires the University, upon becoming aware of any incident of sexual harassment and misconduct to respond appropriately to protect and maintain the safety of the University community, including students, faculty, and staff.
Georgetown University is committed to providing a safe and hospitable environment for all members of its community.
Sexual Misconduct subverts the University’s mission and threatens permanent damage to the educational experience, careers, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff.
Georgetown University prohibits sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
Sexual Misconduct serves as resource for students, faculty, and staff on issues relating to sexual misconduct, discrimination based on sex, and discrimination based on pregnancy, including options for getting help; the University’s policies against sexual misconduct; how to report sexual misconduct; the University’s Sexual Misconduct Reference Guide; and information on getting involved in campus initiatives.
For all situations above, you are welcome to reach out to the following staff members for advice and support. With the exception of situations involving sexual misconduct, your conversations can remain confidential:
Assistant Director of Student Affairs Jacci Clevenger;
Director of Academic Affairs Nirmala Fernandes;
Assistant Dean of Academic & Student Affairs Leslie Evertz;
Other staff or faculty with whom you feel comfortable.